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Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo 2019 Volume 147, Issue 9-10, Pages: 649-649
Full text ( 133 KB)

Frequency, severity and type of anemia in children with classical celiac disease: Corrigendum


In the Serbian language version of the Summary of the article that appeared on pages 189-92 of the March-April 2019 issue of the Serbian Archives of Medicine (“Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo”; Srp Arh Celok Lek. 2019 Mar-Apr;147(3-4):189-92; doi: https://doi.org/10.2298/ SARH181203021R) there is an inaccuracy regarding the stated authors of the article, as one of the co-authors (Dejan Nikolić) was, regrettably, omitted; the authors should be in fact listed in the following manner: Nedeljko Radlović, Zoran Leković, Marija Mladenović , Vladimir Radlović, Biljana Vuletić, Siniša Dučić, Zoran Golubović, Dejan Nikolić, Meho Mahmutović, Snežana Petrović-Tepić (Nedeljko Radlović, Zoran Leković, Marija Mladenović, Vladimir Radlović, Biljana Vuletić, Siniša Dučić, Zoran Golubović, Dejan Nikolić, Meho Mahmutović, Snežana Petrović-Tepić). The authors, as well as the publisher, regret this omission.

Link to the corrected article 10.2298/SARH181203021R