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Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo 2006 Volume 134, Issue 7-8, Pages: 278-282
Full text ( 883 KB)

Most severe consequences of eye contusion injuries: Surgical treatment

Vukosavljević Miroslav (Klinika za očne bolesti, Vojnomedicinska akademija, Beograd)

Introduction. One third of all eye injuries are contusion injuries. The most common causes of contusion eye injuries are squash ball, fist fights, sports, and work with blunt objects. Objective. The objective of our study was to analyze the surgical treatment methods and materials for managing the most severe consequences of eye contusion injuries. Method. A large number of complications of contusion eye injuries were treated at Department for Vitreoretinal Surgery of the Eye Clinic, Military Medical Academy, Belgrade. This paper analyzed two periods, from 1991-1999, and 2000-2004. During these periods, 461 patients with contusion eye injuries were surgically treated. Pars plana vitrectomy and phacoemulsification with PCL implantation were the most commonly performed operations. Results. During the analyzed period, a total of 334 pars plana vitrectomies, 253 combined operations (PHACO+ VPP) and 214 operations with PCL implantation (PHACO+VPP+PCL) were performed. Scleral fixation was carried out in 14 patients. After pars plana vitrectomy, some form of extended tamponade of vitreal space, in relation to degree of injury and complications, was performed in 194 cases. CONCLUSION Eye traumatism is still one of the leading causes of vision loss (from the earliest ages) in our region. Preventive measures that could lead to decrease of eye injuries should be fully supported, not only through expert meetings and publications, but via media as well.

Keywords: contusion injuries, pars plana vitrectomy, phacoemulsification, combined surgical procedures

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