Volume 2, 2017

Radiation Protection


Stevan Musicki, Dejan Vasovic, Srdjan Markovic

Pages: 99-103

DOI: 10.21175/RadProc.2017.21

The term of radiation hazards is connected to the hazardous levels of ionizing radiation that could be harmful to the living tissue. Reflecting the contemporary lifestyle the World Health Organization (WHO), stated that as the use of ionizing radiation increases, so does the potential for health hazards if not properly used or contained. The increased rate of ionizing radiation can be attributed to the variety of anthropogenic activities, ranging from ore extraction, medical services, and energy production to military installations. At the other hand, radiation protection practices term indicates the measures directed to the protection of humans, at the first place, and other living organism from the harmful effects of exposure to ionizing radiation. In that sense, efficient and effective radiation protection from the perspective of society usually involves minimizing costs and capital commitment in any way. On the other hand, effective and efficient radiation protection management activities from the perspective of the army involve broader radiation protection measures during peacetime, emergencies and even wartime. The aim of this paper is to help development of an integrative review for radiation protection, addressing the contemporary needs within the different but prominent stakeholders: civil and military structures. The paper offers an in-depth analysis of related core terms: radiation protection principles and modalities of protection. The applied methodology consists of comparative structure analysis and evaluation of available data. Obtained results are intended to be used in further implementation processes regarding the radiation protection practices both in civil and military structures.
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