Good WIL hunting: Building capacity for curriculum re-design




Work Integrated Learning (WIL), leadership, curriculum, employability, capacity building, authentic assessments


In response to government, industry, student and central University calls for initiatives to enhance graduate employability as a means for improved employment outcomes, a faculty within an Australian university formulated a five-year Work Integrated Learning (WIL) strategy (2015-2019). The Faculty goal was to re-new, develop, implement and evaluate scalable and sustainable intentional WIL-focused authentic curricula across every undergraduate Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) course by the end of 2019. A ‘WIL Leadership Framework’ underpinned the whole-of-course team approach. This paper reports on the change-management processes and behaviours necessary to effect change from the bottom-up. Fostering academic staff capacity to build course-appropriate WIL curriculum has been slow and subtle and yet significant refinements to intentional and embedded WIL curriculum have occurred through a series of grounded research studies and curriculum renewal projects. WIL champions (the innovators), earmarked as change agents for enabling scalable curriculum transformation and renewal, were ‘hunted-out’ and nurtured. Their role was to influence teachers to enact context-specific and discipline-based WIL experiences into the curriculum. The main research findings to date reveal that STEM-specific WIL frameworks, concepts and assessment examples, presented as scholarly curriculum choices by WIL experts, and then actively and collegially discussed amongst the WIL champions and WIL early adopters, has been the most effective process to date for developing a WIL centred curriculum. The paper concludes by addressing the current operational goals predicated to have an impact on graduate employment for the Faculty.


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Author Biographies

  • Karen Young, Deakin University, Australia

    Dr Karen Young is a Senior Lecturer in SEBE specialising in work-integrated learning (WIL) curricula. She is the unit chair for IBL and internship placement units in the Faculty of Science Engineering and Built Environment at Deakin University. Her research area is WIL and Reflective Practice. Karen also has a Faculty-wide WIL leadership role, with a particular focus on WIL practices, curricula and student employability outcomes.

  • Stuart Palmer, Deakin University, Australia

    Dr Stuart Palmer is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment at Deakin University in Australia.  He has a background in the management of engineering, and taught in the area of engineering professional practice for 12 years.  He is a Chartered Professional Engineer and a member of Engineers Australia.  His research interests include characterising the graduate employment outcomes for Australian STEM graduates.

  • Malcolm Campbell, Deakin University, Australia

    Malcolm is Deputy Dean and Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning) in the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment. In these roles he has led the Faculty in developing teaching and learning outcomes for students and staff and enhancing the curriculum. Key projects have been Chair of the University Teaching and Learning Committee, Change Manager and Chair of the Implementation Team for the University Learning Management System, and project lead for the Faculty course enhancement process. In 2010 Malcolm was awarded an Office of Learning and Teaching (OLT) national citation for his leadership of teaching and learning. Malcolm's interest in authentic learning has been realized through the development of a number of initiatives around Work Integrated Learning (WIL) and membership of an OLT project on WIL Leadership.


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How to Cite

Good WIL hunting: Building capacity for curriculum re-design. (2017). Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability, 8(1), 215-232.

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