
Frequent pattern mining is an effective approach for spatiotemporal association analysis of mobile trajectory big data in data-driven intelligent transportation systems. While existing parallel algorithms have been successfully applied to frequent pattern mining of large-scale trajectory data, two major challenges are how to overcome the inherent defects of Hadoop to cope with taxi trajectory big data including massive small files and how to discover the implicitly spatiotemporal frequent patterns with MapReduce. To conquer these challenges, this paper presents a MapReduce-based Parallel Frequent Pattern growth (MR-PFP) algorithm to analyze the spatiotemporal characteristics of taxi operating using large-scale taxi trajectories with massive small file processing strategies on a Hadoop platform. More specifically, we first implement three methods, that is, Hadoop Archives (HAR), CombineFileInputFormat (CFIF), and Sequence Files (SF), to overcome the existing defects of Hadoop and then propose two strategies based on their performance evaluations. Next, we incorporate SF into Frequent Pattern growth (FP-growth) algorithm and then implement the optimized FP-growth algorithm on a MapReduce framework. Finally, we analyze the characteristics of taxi operating in both spatial and temporal dimensions by MR-PFP in parallel. The results demonstrate that MR-PFP is superior to existing Parallel FP-growth (PFP) algorithm in efficiency and scalability.

1. Introduction

In the era of data technology (DT) with “Internet +” and “big data ,” large-scale data has been growing rapidly with 5Vs characteristics (i.e., Volume, Velocity, Variety, Value, and Veracity) [17]. Actually, big data usually consists of massive small files in various practical applications such as mobile trajectory data, financial and investment data, business transaction data, and health trajectory data [8]. Recently, mobile trajectory big data analytics has been a research hotspot of urban computing and smart cities, which attracts great attention from the industry, academia, and government [911]. In particular, taxi trajectory data is becoming one of the most significant data sources of mobile trajectory data. For example, the big taxi trajectory data used in this work is composed of 47,991 small files (each file with a size of 1.1 MB) [12] and contains a large number of GPS points which can generate the road network of Beijing as illustrated in Figure 1.

Taxi trajectory data records the movement traces and operating status of taxicabs, and to a certain extent it reflects the urban transportation conditions and includes the potentially rich driving experience of drivers [13, 14]. In particular, traffic conditions are extremely uncertain in a transportation network due to the heterogeneous and dynamic nature of traffic with nonlinear interactions between drivers and environments [13]. To facilitate the perception of traffic conditions and develop management strategies and monitoring programs, the temporal and spatial characteristics of taxi operating are analyzed and the frequent patterns in the trajectory data are excavated based on the multidimensional association analysis of trajectory big data. Moreover, the interestingly strong association rules are found among the frequent itemsets of operational status, operating time, geographical position, and running speed and direction, which can provide decision making for the passengers’ travel, taxicab operation scheduling, and urban transportation planning and construction.

In data-driven intelligent transportation systems (ITS), the spatiotemporal pattern discovery of taxi trajectory big data is an efficient method for urban transportation optimization and control in smart cities. Typically, existing classical frequent pattern mining algorithms mainly utilize the breadth-first techniques (e.g., Apriori [15]) and the depth-priority techniques (e.g., FP-growth [16]). To improve mining efficiency, some optimized methods have been put forward to improve the aforementioned algorithms [1719]. Furthermore, to break the bottleneck of mining performance on a single machine, serval parallel or distributed algorithms are presented [20, 21]. However, by using the traditional implementation methodologies in the stand-alone environment, the applications of corresponding sequential algorithms for mining frequent pattern from large-scale datasets will easily result in high memory consumption, high I/O cost, low computation performance, and other problems.

Nowadays, the Apache Hadoop project provides open-source software for reliable, scalable, and distributed computing and allows for the distributed processing of large-scale datasets across clusters of computers with straightforward programming models [13]. In particular, Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) [22] and Hadoop MapReduce [23] are the key components of Hadoop, and the Hadoop distributed computing platform [24] with a MapReduce parallel processing framework provides a new idea for handling big data [25]. In recent years, to meet the rapidly growing demands of large-scale data processing, a Parallel FP-growth (PFP) algorithm based on MapReduce has been proposed in [26], and the performance of PFP has been enhanced through adding load balancing feature in [27]. Although all the aforementioned methods have many desirable properties, these approaches still ignore frequent itemset mining in large-scale datasets with massive small files on a Hadoop platform using the MapReduce framework. In addition, Hadoop has inherent defects in processing massive small files such as slow reading and writing, high memory consumption, low computational efficiency, and other issues. The massive small file processing problem has been the prominent bottleneck of Hadoop’s computation performance [24, 28].

To tackle the above problems, this paper aims to present a MapReduce-based Parallel Frequent Pattern growth (MR-PFP) algorithm and implement its applications in spatiotemporal association analysis of taxi operating characteristics with big trajectory data on a Hadoop distributed computing platform. In particular, MR-PFP can reduce the additional overhead of MapReduce and improve the access efficiency of HDFS by incorporating the small file processing strategies, which overcomes the existing defects of Hadoop in handling massive small files. On the other hand, MR-PFP is implemented on a MapReduce parallel processing framework through the Map function and the Reduce function, which can improve the efficiency and scalability of frequent itemset mining significantly.

The contributions of this work are summarized as follows:(i)Three approaches (HAR, CFIF, and SF) are implemented to overcome the inherent defects of high memory consumption and I/O cost and low computational efficiency in processing massive small files for Hadoop. More importantly, with the experimental results, two selection strategies are presented to meet different requirements.(ii)A MapReduce-based Parallel Frequent Pattern growth (MR-PFP) algorithm is proposed to find frequent itemsets in parallel by exploiting the processing strategy associated with massive small files (i.e., SF), thereby improving the efficiency and scalability of generating association rules.(iii)MR-PFP is applied to the spatiotemporal association analysis of taxi operating characteristics using taxi trajectory big data on a Hadoop platform. The extensive performance evaluation indicates that MR-PFP is superior to the Parallel Frequent Pattern growth (PFP) algorithm in efficiency and scalability and can address the frequent itemset mining problem with large-scale datasets composed of massive small files to generate association rules efficiently.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the motivation of this work by the problem statement and its formulation. The proposed MR-PFP algorithm is described in detail in Section 3. Section 4 presents the applications of MR-PFP in spatiotemporal association analysis of taxi operating characteristics via a case study. The extensive experiments and results for performance evaluation are shown in Section 5. Section 6 concludes this paper.

2. Problem Statement

In this section, we analyze the existing problems of frequent itemset mining in large-scale datasets with massive small files for generating interesting association rules and then give the corresponding problem definition.

2.1. Problem Analysis

The size of small files is commonly less than 64 MB which is the default size of a data block in HDFS. Naturally, various scientific applications contain a large number of small files in practice. For instance, the big taxi trajectory data used in this work is composed of 47,991 small files and each file is with a size of 1.1 MB. Furthermore, according to the study results reported in the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), 43% of over 13 million files in a shared parallel file system are under 64 KB and 99% are under 64 MB (http://www.nersc.gov/users/storage-and-file-systems/file-systems). Another study at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) shows that a system includes 12 million files, 94% of which are under 64 MB and 58% of which are under 64 KB [29]. However, the FP-tree constructed by the Parallel FP-growth (PFP) algorithm based on MapReduce cannot be stored in memory when it comes to big datasets with massive small files, which usually leads to memory overflow, huge communication overhead (or large traffic), and other problems.

On the other hand, Hadoop was originally designed to cope with large streaming files and thus stores and manages massive small files inefficiently. Storing a large number of small files leads to high memory consumption and unacceptable access cost [30]. There are inherent defects in reducing the access efficiency of HDFS and increasing the additional overhead of MapReduce when processing massive small files. Moreover, the computational efficiency of Hadoop depends on the performance of two key components (i.e., HDFS and MapReduce) [24]. For these reasons, the processing of massive small file will reduce the overall performance of association rule mining on a Hadoop platform, which is mainly shown in the following two aspects:(i)The access efficiency of HDFS is reduced. Namenode is responsible for managing and scheduling huge amounts of metadata stored in each Datanode node, and each file, directory, and block is encapsulated into a 150-byte space stored in the memory of Namenode [31], which needs to query and retrieve the requested file blocks between Datanodes with lots of searches and hops. To this end, massive small files will occupy a large amount of Namenode limited available memory space and consume a lot of execution time, which will result in inefficient data access of HDFS significantly. Storing and managing massive small files pose a big challenge to HDFS [30].(ii)The additional overhead of MapReduce is increased. MapReduce jobs consist of multiple Map tasks and Reduce tasks, and the Map tasks commonly execute an input block at a time. If the file is too small in size and numerous in number, a large number of Map tasks will be generated and each Map task will only handle very small data, which will lead to an additional increase of MapReduce computational tasks inevitably. For example, a 2 GB file is equally divided into 32 files (i.e., each file with a size of 64 MB) or files (i.e., each file with a size of 1 KB). We can draw a conclusion that the execution time of the latter will be significantly longer than the former by comparative analysis. The reason is that the former requires only 32 Map tasks to complete the data processing task, while the latter needs Map tasks to operate.

To improve the performance of massive small file processing for Hadoop, MacKey et al. [32] used the Hadoop Archives method and the scheduling mechanisms to compress the metadata with massive small files. It can reduce Namenode’s memory consumption and improve HDFS’s system performance, but file access is quite slow [33]. Mohandas and Thampi [34] put forward a solution which integrated the Hadoop Archives and the Sequence Files to solve the massive small file processing problem, but it was not successfully implemented on applications. However, these solutions still have some limitations and cannot effectively solve existing inherent defects of Hadoop in dealing with massive small files, especially for association rule mining of big datasets with massive small files on Hadoop using MapReduce.

2.2. Problem Definition

Association rule mining is utilized to reveal the unknown interdependence among the data and discover lots of interesting association (or correlation) relationships among a large set of data items [35]. It can be decomposed into the following two subproblems:(I)Find all frequent itemsets that have support greater than the user-specified minimum support threshold (i.e., ) from the transaction database. That is, , is a frequent itemset.(II)Generate the desired rules from the frequent itemsets found in (I). If confidence satisfies the user-specified minimum confidence threshold (i.e., ), strong association rules are generated. That is, : is a strong association rule.

From the above-mentioned problems, we can observe that the overall performance of association rule mining depends on the first subproblem (i.e., the key is to find all the frequent itemsets). That is, the problem of mining association rules can be attributed to discovering frequent itemsets, because it is quite simple and straightforward to check whether the rules are strong.

Based on a concrete analysis of the aforementioned problem, some definitions used in this work are given as follows.

Definition 1. Let be a set of items. Let be a set of database transactions, where each transaction is a set of items such that . That is, and . Let be a set of items, and a transaction is said to contain if and only if . An association rule is an implication of the form , where , and .

Definition 2. Rule support and confidence are two measures of rule interestingness that reflect the usefulness and certainty of discovered rules, respectively. The rule has support and confidence in the transaction set , where is the percentage of transactions in that contains , and that is the probability ; is the percentage of transactions in containing which also contains , and that is the conditional probability . The support of is the percentage of transactions in containing the itemset , and that is .
More formally, support and confidence are defined as

Definition 3. When the support and confidence satisfy the and the , respectively, that is, and , typically the association rule is called interestingly strong.

3. Proposed MR-PFP Algorithm

In this section, we propose a MapReduce-based Parallel Frequent Pattern growth (MR-PFP) algorithm to implement the parallelism of association rule mining in big dataset with massive small files on a Hadoop platform by incorporating massive small file processing strategies.

Based on the analysis of the aforementioned problem and the problem definition, the MR-PFP algorithm (see Figure 2) is presented to address the problem of spatiotemporal association analysis by mining frequent itemsets with large-scale datasets including massive small files and particularly to overcome the inherent defects of slow reading and writing, high memory consumption, and low computational efficiency in processing massive small files for Hadoop.

More specifically, we first implement the HAR, CFIF, and SF methods to handle massive small files on a Hadoop platform (see Section 3.2) and experimentally evaluate three approaches in terms of memory consumption and execution efficiency to put forward two strategies of massive small file processing (see Section 5.3). Furthermore, based on the selection strategies, we exploit the SF method (see Section 3.2.2) to optimize the frequent pattern growth algorithm by efficiently integrating massive small files into a large sequence file (big transaction data file or transaction database). Finally, to reduce the computational complexity of MapReduce jobs and save the limited bandwidth available on a Hadoop cluster, we implement the optimized frequent pattern growth algorithm with the MapReduce paradigm to generate the interestingly strong association rules by mining frequent itemsets in parallel (see Section 3.3).

3.1. Overview of Algorithm

Based on PFP, the massive small file processing strategy is incorporated into MR-PFP which is implemented with the MapReduce paradigm for mining frequent itemsets in parallel to overcome the inherent defects of Hadoop in handling big datasets associated with large-scale small files, thereby generating interestingly strong association rules.

As illustrated in Figure 2, the flowchart of the proposed MR-PFP algorithm mainly consists of the following six steps.

Step 1 (integrating massive small files). Based on massive small file processing strategies (see Section 5.3.3), we utilize the Sequence Files (SF, see Section 3.2.2) method to integrate all the small files which contain a large number of transaction datasets stored in HDFS into a large transaction data file (i.e., transaction database).

Step 2 (dividing transaction database). We equally divide a transaction database into several subtransaction databases and then assign them to different nodes of a Hadoop cluster. We employ the balance command to enable its file system to fulfil load balancing, when necessary.

Step 3 (calculating the support count of each item). We compute the support count for each item of subtransaction databases in parallel using the MapReduce paradigm, then sort them by support count in a descending order, and finally attain a set of I_list.

Step 4 (grouping I_list). We divide I_list into sets in order to form G_list and sequentially assign G_id for each set and each G_list includes a set of items.

Step 5 (generating local frequent itemsets). We implement the parallel computing of FP-growth under a MapReduce framework by the Map function and the Reduce function which are performed in the Map phase and the Reduce phase, respectively, to generate local frequent itemsets. More specifically, the Map function compares the item of each transaction in the subtransaction databases with the item in G_list. Provided that they are the same, the corresponding transaction then is assigned to the machine associated with G_list; otherwise, the Map function compares to the next item in G_list. Finally, the independent subtransaction databases corresponding to G_list will be produced. The Reduce function recursively calculates the independent subtransaction databases generated in the Map phase and then constructs the FP-tree. The aforementioned computation method is similar to the traditional FP-tree generation process, except that the heap of size K (HP) is used to store frequent pattern of each item. In particular, the time-consuming recursive procedure is accomplished in the MapReduce model of computation.

Step 6 (obtaining global frequent itemsets). We aggregate the local frequent itemsets generated from each node on a Hadoop cluster through the MapReduce paradigm and then obtain the global frequent itemsets.

3.2. Massive Small File Processing Strategies

In this work, we implement three methods of Hadoop Archives (HAR), Sequence Files (SF), and CombineFileInputFormat (CFIF) and put forward two selection strategies to solve the massive small file processing problem on Hadoop using MapReduce. Additionally, the effectiveness of the implemented methods and the reasonability of the selected strategies are to be evaluated in Section 5.3. Based on the evaluation results, we choose the SF method to handle the massive small files in MR-PFP.

3.2.1. Hadoop Archives

Hadoop Archive (HAR) is a file archiving facility, which efficiently archives massive small files into HDFS blocks via the archive commands [33]. A Hadoop Archive has a har extension, which can be used as an input to MapReduce. In the HAR file system, the process of reading massive small files mainly contains the following three steps.(i)Access the Master Index to gain the Index stored in memory index.(ii)Access the Index to get the Store Index of the file itself.(iii)Access the Store Index to obtain the content of the file.

3.2.2. Sequence Files

Sequence File (SF) is a method that integrates massive small files into a large sequence file via the following three classes.(i)WholeFileInputFormat Class: the isSplitable () method overloads and returns the value, “false,” to maintain the input file not to be partitioned into splits. The getRecordReader () method returns a customized RecordReader.(ii)WholeFileRecordReader Class: the FileSplit is converted into a record, where the key of the record is the filename and the value is the content of the file. In view of the existence of only one record after the conversion, WholeFileRecordReader only deals with the record or is discarded. However, it uses a Boolean variable, processed, to indicate whether the record was processed. If the next () method is called, it indicates that the file is not processed. At the same time, the file will be opened and then generate a byte array with a size of the file length. Subsequently, it calls the Hadoop’s IOUtils class and takes the content of the file into the byte array. Finally, an array is created on the BytesWritable instance that is passed to the next () method. If the return value is true, it demonstrates that the record has been successfully read.(iii)SmallFilesToSequenceFileConverter Class: massive small files are integrated into a sequence file, and this class consists of the Map () and the Reduce (). The input format of data is WholeFileInputFormat, while the output format is SequenceFileOutputFormat.

3.2.3. CombineFileInputFormat

CombineFileInputFormat (CFIF) is a new type based on the InputFormat method which packages multiple files into a split to deal with more data by each Map task, thereby avoiding the drawbacks of traditional FileInputFormat that must generate a split for each file. Unlike the SF method, the CFIF method does not integrate massive small files but only produces less InputSplit, to achieve the packaging of massive small files through employing the following two classes.(i)CombineFileLineRecordReader Class: packaging multiple files then will be processed by the Map tasks.(ii)MyMultiFileInputFormat Class: the CreateRecordReader() method is implemented and the abstract class of CFIF is inherited, and then the implementation of the customized Recorder is returned.

3.3. Implementation on MapReduce

To improve the efficiency and scalability, we implement the parallelism of the proposed MR-PFP algorithm on a MapReduce framework using the Map function and the Reduce function. In the MapReduce environment, MR-PFP is mainly composed of the following four steps.

Step 1. Integrate massive small files into a large sequence file using the Sequence Files (SF) method (see Section 3.2.2), which employs the WholeFileInputFormat Class, WholeFileRecordReader Class, and SmallFilesToSequenceFileConverter Class. Moreover, SF includes a series of , where the key is the name of small files and the value is the content of small files before integrating.

Step 2. Calculate I_list through the Map function and the Reduce function, which are formally depicted in Algorithms 1 and 2, respectively.

: ,
: .
: ,
: 1.
for  each item in   do
Output(, 1);
end for
return   pairs;
: ,
: list().
: ,
: .
Int = 0;
for  each item in   do
end for
return   pairs;

Step 3. Generate G_list based on I_list, and perform the parallel computing of the MR-PFP algorithm. Map() judges the G_list that the Item of transactions in the machine belongs to, and then this transaction is assigned to the machine corresponding to G_list. To avoid sending the same transaction to the same machine repeatedly, we delete the duplicate entries in a hash table. Reduce() processes the independent subtransaction database associated with G_list, which builds heap HP with a size of the for each item in G_list. The Map function and the Reduce function are formally described in Algorithms 3 and 4, respectively.

: key,
: .
: HashNum,
: .
generates ;
Create Hash Table H;
Create a;
a = Split();
for    do
HashNum = getHashNum(H, a[j]);
if    then
if   in   then
Delete this item;
end if
end if
end for
return   pairs;
: G_id,
: .
: ,
: .
Group = ;
Clear LocalFP-tree;
for each in   do
Create FP-tree(LocalFP-tree,);
for each in Group do
Create heap HP(the Max_Size = K);
MR-PFP(LocalFP-tree, , );
for each in   do
Output(, );
end for
end for
end for
return   pairs;

Step 4. Aggregate the local frequent itemsets of each node generated from Step , and finally gain the global frequent itemsets. The Map function and the Reduce function are illustrated in Algorithms 5 and 6, respectively.

: v,
: sup(v).
: ,
: v + sup(v).
for each item in v  do
Output(, v + sup(v));
end for
return   pairs;
: ,
: list(v + sup(v)).
: ,
: .
Create heap HP(the Max_Size = K);
for each pattern v in (v) do
if    then
insert (v) into HP;
if    then
delete top element in HP;
insert (v) into HP;
end if
end if
end for
return   pairs;

4. Case Study

This section presents the application of MR-PFP in spatiotemporal association analysis of taxi operating characteristics, based on real-world taxi trajectory big data associated with massive small files.

4.1. Dataset

In this case study, we use real-world trajectory dataset (http://www.datatang.com), which contains large-scale GPS trajectories recorded by 12,000 taxis in Beijing during a period of one month in November 2012 (i.e., between 1 November and 30 November 2012). The total size of the dataset is approximately 50 GB, and especially the total number of GPS records reaches 969,418,200 and the total distance of the dataset surpasses 50 million kilometers. In particular, the dataset is composed of 47,991 small files (i.e., each file with a size of 1.1 MB). The data sample of large-scale taxi trajectories used in this work is illustrated in Figure 3.

Moreover, with the aforementioned dataset, we utilize the proposed MR-PFP algorithm to analyze the spatiotemporal associations of taxi operating characteristics on a Hadoop distributed computing platform using the MapReduce parallel processing framework (see Section 5.1).

4.2. Association Analysis

Based on MR-PFP, we take = 0.3 and = 0.6 as an example to analyze the association among the speed, longitude, and latitude of taxi operating (i.e., the spatial dimension). Table 1 shows the interestingly strong association rules selected from the results where the value of the data items is in the form of range for rendering, due to the large scale of taxi trajectories and the large span of data-item values.

From Table 1, it could be found that the taxi operating characteristics are associated among the speed, longitude, and latitude (e.g., between longitude/speed and latitude, between longitude/latitude and speed, and between speed and longitude/latitude). The results indicate that MR-PFP can discover frequent patterns from big dataset with massive small files in parallel, to analyze the multidimensional associations of taxi operating characteristics.

Moreover, to extensively analyze the spatiotemporal patterns of taxi operating characteristics, we select the trajectory data from 00:10:43 to 00:15:42 on 1 November 2012 and then mine its frequent itemsets using MR-PFP. The produced interestingly strong association rules are illustrated in Table 2, where we only choose the first 8 rules from each example.

As shown in Table 2, we take and , and , and and as three examples, respectively, to analyze the spatial and temporal associations of taxi operating characteristics among the speed, longitude, latitude, and time (i.e., the spatiotemporal dimensions). From these results, it could be observed that MR-PFP has the potential of frequent pattern mining in big trajectory data, thereby generating association rules which will be of great benefit to perceive real-time transportation conditions.

In summary, the results of case study show that MR-PFP can solve the small file problem in Hadoop and generate association rules in parallel using MapReduce and then implement the spatiotemporal association analysis of taxi operating characteristics based on real-world taxi trajectory big data with massive small files. The application can provide data support for the perception of traffic conditions, the development of management strategies and monitoring programs, as well as the reasonable travel of passengers, the operation schedule of the taxi and the transportation planning, and construction of the city.

5. Performance Evaluation

This section evaluates the proposed MR-PFP algorithm compared to PFP and then provides a concise and precise description of the experimental results, and finally their interpretation as well as the experimental conclusions will be drawn in detail.

In the extensive experiments, we evaluate the efficiency and scalability performances of MR-PFP in terms of speedup, scaleup, and sizeup and then validate the effectiveness of the implemented massive small file processing methods and the reasonability of the selection strategies.

5.1. Experimental Setup

In this experiment, we build a Hadoop platform composed of 1 Master and 10 Slaves with Intel Xeon (R) E7-4820 2.00 GHz CPU (4-cores) and 8.00 GB RAM, integrating with ArcGIS and road network of Beijing which consists of 106,579 road nodes and 141,380 road segments (http://www.datatang.com/data/43855). All the experiments are performed on Ubuntu 12.04 OS with Hadoop 1.0.4 and JDK 1.6.0. The experimental platform based on Hadoop with MapReduce, road network, and ArcGIS is shown in Figure 4.

Moreover, three real-world datasets from the taxi trajectory data (TTD, see Section 4.1), the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) (ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/noaa), and the Frequent Itemset Mining Dataset Repository (FIMD) (http://fimi.ua.ac.be/data) are processed into three different sets of datasets (i.e., TTD: T-Dataset1, T-Dataset2, and T-Dataset3; NCDC: N-Dataset1, N-Dataset2, and N-Dataset3; FIMD: F-Dataset1, F-Dataset2, and F-Dataset3), respectively, and each set of datasets contains a large number of small files. The experimental datasets are shown in Table 3.

5.2. Evaluation on MR-PFP

Since MR-PFP can achieve exactly the same accuracy as PFP, we focus on evaluating their efficiency and scalability using three evaluation metrics (i.e., speedup, sizeup, and scaleup [12, 13, 3638]) in this experiment.

5.2.1. Efficiency

To examine the efficiency of MR-PFP, in comparison with PFP, we carry out the experiments on a cluster with 4 nodes for frequent itemset mining to generate association rules using nine sets of datasets (i.e., T-Dataset1, T-Dataset2, T-Dataset3, N-Dataset1, N-Dataset2, N-Dataset3, F-Dataset1, F-Dataset2, and F-Dataset3) and then plot the results in Figure 5. Furthermore, for a more intuitive illustration, the comparisons of MR-PFP and PFP on execution time are depicted in Figure 6.

Figures 5 and 6 show that MR-PFP significantly outperforms PFP in efficiency under a MapReduce framework on a Hadoop platform. In particular, with the number of nodes and the size of datasets growing, the advantages of MR-PFP on MapReduce are more remarkable.

5.2.2. Speedup

The speedup metric evaluates how much the parallel algorithm is faster than the corresponding sequential algorithm, which is defined as where is the sequential execution time of the algorithm on 1 node for association rule mining with the given dataset and is the parallel execution time of the algorithm for addressing the same problem using the same dataset on a cluster with nodes.

For the speedup evaluation of MR-PFP, we carry out the experiments on a cluster of nodes varying from 1 to 10 (i.e., the number of cores ranging from 4 to 40) by holding six sets of datasets (i.e., 128 MB, 256 MB, 512 MB, 1 GB, 2 GB, and 4 GB) constant, respectively. The results are depicted in Figure 7(a).

From Figure 7(a), we can find that the speedup of MR-PFP increases relatively linearly with the growth of the number of nodes, and especially larger dataset obtains a better speedup. The speedup value of the TDD (taxi trajectory data) dataset with 4 GB (i.e., T-Dataset3) reaches 7.985, which is 79.85% (%) of the ideal speedup, when the number of nodes is 10. Generally, it is very hard to achieve linear speedup due to the communication cost and the skew of the slaves [36], and particularly the time to cope with small-scale datasets is not dominant compared to the time consumed by communication and task arrangement. When the size of datasets is gradually increased, the time of intensive computation becomes significantly dominant. The results demonstrate that the proposed MR-PFP algorithm on MapReduce has a very good speedup performance over big data and performs better with larger datasets, which is nearly the same for datasets with extremely different sizes.

5.2.3. Scaleup

The scaleup metric validates how well the parallel algorithm deals with larger datasets when more nodes are available, which can be defined as where denotes the sequential execution time of the algorithm for handling the given dataset on 1 node and represents the parallel execution time of the algorithm for processing -times larger datasets on -times larger nodes.

To validate the scaleup of MR-PFP, we increase the number of nodes (ranging from 1 node to 10 nodes) in direct proportion to the size of datasets (varying from 128 MB to 1.25 GB, from 256 MB to 2.5 GB, and from 1 GB to 10 GB) and then plot the results in Figure 7(b).

From Figure 7(b), we can observe that all the scaleup values of MR-PFP are greater than 0.37, with the proportional growth of both the number of nodes and the size of datasets. The results indicate that the proposed MR-PFP algorithm on MapReduce scales very well and has the adaptability of big datasets.

5.2.4. Sizeup

The sizeup metric measures how much longer the parallel algorithm takes on a given node, when the size of datasets is m-times larger than the original dataset. It is given by where represents the execution time of the algorithm for copying with the given dataset on the given node and denotes the execution time of the algorithm for processing -times larger datasets on the same node. Here, sizeup analysis is to keep the number of nodes constant and grow the size of the datasets by the factor , to measure the variation of execution time.

To measure the sizeup of MR-PFP, we perform the experiments on a cluster with 10 nodes by increasing the size of datasets (ranging from 128 MB to 1.25 GB, from 256 MB to 2.5 GB, and from 1 GB to 10 GB) and then plot the results in Figure 7(c).

From Figure 7(c), we can conclude that the proposed MR-PFP algorithm on MapReduce has a very good sizeup performance. More specifically, a 10 times larger problem needs approximately 10 to 12 times more time.

5.2.5. Results Analysis

Based on the above-mentioned results, it could be found that the parallel MR-PFP algorithm implements the distributed computing and parallel processing of massive small files on a MapReduce framework, thereby improving the overall performance of frequent itemset mining to generate association rules on a Hadoop platform. More specifically, the massive small file processing strategy incorporated in MR-PFP overcomes the inherent defects of Hadoop in handling large-scale datasets with massive small files, significantly reducing memory consumption and I/O cost for enhancing data access efficiency and avoiding memory overflow, and thus greatly improves the performance of the PFP algorithm.

5.3. Evaluation on Massive Small File Processing Strategies

In the experimental evaluation, we utilize the memory consumption of Namenode and the execution time of MapReduce to evaluate the validity of Hadoop-based massive small file processing method (SF) which is incorporated into MR-PFP and to investigate the reasonability of selected strategy in comparison with the other two approaches (i.e., HAR and CFIF).

Furthermore, we use HAR, SF, and CFIF methods to deal with three sets of datasets (N-Dataset1, N-Dataset2, and N-Dataset3), respectively. Subsequently, we record the execution time of each set of datasets and compute the number of files and indexes in HDFS through executing the MaxTemperature program on MapReduce [24].

5.3.1. Memory Consumption

Based on the statistics of the number of files and indexes in HDFS using the method in [24], we calculate the memory consumption of Namenode after processing three sets of datasets through three implemented methods, respectively, and then plot the results in Figure 8(a).

From Figure 8(a), we make the conclusions as follows: (I) In the HAR method, massive small files are archived to har file which has two indexes (i.e., Master Index and Index) stored in Namenode, so the memory space consumed Namenode depends on the number of two indexes. (II) In the SF method, massive small files are integrated into a large sequence file which has an index of the Index stored in Namenode, so the memory space consumed Namenode lies on the number of this Index. (III) In the CFIF method, massive small files are packaged into a InputSplit instead of integrating into a sequence file before the MapReduce tasks, and massive small files are still in the form of a single file stored in HDFS, so the memory space consumed Namenode is determined by the number of files.

5.3.2. Execution Time

In this experiment, we record the execution time of three sets of datasets processed by three implemented methods in MapReduce, respectively. The results are depicted in Figure 8(b).

From Figure 8(b), we make the following analysis: (I) The HAR method greatly reduces the memory consumption of Namenode. The reduction of the Namenode’s memory load will shorten the HDFS’s deployment time, but the reading time of massive small files is slower than that read directly from HDFS. (II) The SF method significantly reduces the memory consumption of Namenode and shortens the scheduling time of HDFS. The time recorded in the experiments is the execution time of the entire mining process. That is, the time includes the execution time of nonmining task (e.g., the time in the process of integrating a large number of small files into a sequence file is counted as the execution time of the entire task). However, it results in the appearance of a longer execution time using this method. (III) The CFIF method packages a large number of small files into a single InputSplit which is processed by a single Map task, thereby reducing the time consumption of startup and shutdown in the Map task.

5.3.3. Results Analysis

According to the aforementioned experimental results, we can observe that the implemented HAR, SF, and CFIF methods have the potential to efficiently process massive small files, thereby overcoming the inherent defects of Hadoop. More importantly, we have drawn the following conclusions: When massive small files are handled by three methods, the memory consumption of Namenode in an ascending order is SF, HAR, and CFIF, while the execution time of MapReduce in an ascending order is CFIF, HAR, and SF. In particular, the computational efficiency of MapReduce based on mining tasks in an ascending order is SF, CFIF, and HAR.

Based on the analysis mentioned above, it could be found that two different strategies of massive small file processing can be selected as follows: (I) Providing that the memory consumption is an important factor in controlling the performance of the calculation (and focusing on the efficiency of the mining task), the SF method should be selected in advance when we cope with massive small files on a Hadoop platform. (II) Providing that the execution efficiency of the entire mining process is considered, we should give priority to the CFIF method. Nevertheless, to avoid the phenomena of memory overflow and huge communication overhead, we process a large number of small files using the SF method in MR-PFP to address the problems of high memory consumption and I/O cost and especially implement the parallelism of frequent itemset mining in MR-PFP to solve time-consuming data transmission, low computational performance, and other issues using the MapReduce paradigm.

6. Conclusions and Future Work

In this paper, we proposed a MapReduce-based Parallel Frequent Pattern growth (MR-PFP) algorithm using massive small file processing strategies and particularly applied it to analyze the spatiotemporal patterns of taxi operating characteristics with big trajectory data on a Hadoop distributed computing platform. Moreover, with the extensive experiments on real-world big datasets with large-scale small files, we evaluated the performance of MR-PFP in terms of efficiency and scalability and then verified the effectiveness of three methods of massive small file processing and the reasonability of two selection strategies. Briefly speaking, based on a MapReduce parallel processing framework, MR-PFP can make up the inherent defects of Hadoop in handling big datasets associated with massive small files and reduce memory consumption and save I/O cost, thereby improving data access efficiency and avoiding memory overhead. The experimental results also demonstrated that, in comparison with PFP, MR-PFP had higher efficiency and better speedup, scaleup, and sizeup performance.

Although the spatiotemporal association analysis of mobile trajectory big data with massive small files can be addressed much more efficiently via MR-PFP on Hadoop using MapReduce, there are still several issues for further investigation. When the I_list is grouped in MR-PFP, the highly frequent Items may be allocated in a G_list node so that their transactions are extremely large and the computational tasks are too high, while the computational costs of other nodes are relatively low, thereby resulting in the imbalanced load problem inevitably. In future work, we will further study the I_list grouping algorithm and consider adding two strategies of the group balancing and the load balancing in MR-PFP.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper.


This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant nos. 61762020, 61773321, and 61528206), the High-Level Innovative Talents Project of Guizhou (Grant no. QRLF201621), the Science and Technology Top-Notch Talents Support Project of Colleges and Universities in Guizhou (Grant no. QJHKY2016065), the Science and Technology Foundation of Guizhou (Grant nos. QKHJC20161076 and QKHJZ20142094), the Youth Science and Technology Talents Development Project of Guizhou (Grant nos. QJHKY2017129 and QJHKY2017137), the Natural Science Foundation of Chongqing CSTC (Grant nos. cstc2014jcyjA40016, cstc2015jcyjA40044, and cstc2014jcyjA40030), the Special Financial Grant from the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant no. 2017T100670), the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant no. 2016M590852), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant nos. XDJK2016B016 and XDJK2015B030). The authors would like to acknowledge Datatang (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd., for providing the experimental data and thank Dr. Zhiju Xie for her great help in polishing the language.